Have you ever wandered into an abandoned building or home? Maybe an old factory or farm house set back and hidden behind trees and overgrown fields?
The first time I decided to go urban exploring I was with two of my friends in grade 11 or 12. We walked up a dark and secluded road in the middle of the night with our camera’s hanging around our necks. It was cold as we nervously walked up the overgrown driveway to an abandoned farm house. We had no idea what we could be walking into. Squatters, other explorers, danger?
Jeremiah’s Abandoned Field and Farmhouse located in London Ontario was the first-place abandoned places I explored. The house took my friends and I back. The home was scattered with garbage and damage. However, looking beyond the ruins and distress of the property, we saw a glimpse into history. Someone had gotten up and left this home behind. Newspapers scattered around the house, bins of floppy disks, furniture dispersed around the home, we were cautious. The story behind the house is not what we imagined; however, when we stood in that house that night we came to our own conclusions about the structure’s history. That experience and that evening is when we were thrown back in to the real world.